What’s new in fashion? Nothing much! What’s being reprised, updated, revamped, remixed? Loads. This spring it’s mostly about rehashing the 90s and 00s and what’s kind of scary is that ‘the 90s’ is now officially retro in the way the 50s was for me. It’s really quite terrifying interesting to see. (more…)
Here’s the latest ‘Ask Alison’ guest post from retail expert and DRG contributor, ALISON BISHOP, on how brands are merchandising their store environments to inspire customers to feel at home
More and more digital brands want to lay down physical roots and create their own permanent stores. At the same time, retailers are ramping up online sales initiatives for increasingly digitally savvy shoppers. So now we have the trend to make showroom-style spaces resemble highly curated homes and apartments. Which makes us want to buy everything and move in. (more…)