
Quote of the day: Michael Bise on 90s Gap

Gap quote Michael Bise

“Being at Gap in 1998 and 1999 was like being Tina Turner at the 1985 Grammys. She won everything that year. She was the most celebrated. The most eyes were on her. Everyone was looking at her and following her every move. And that’s what it was like at Gap.” (more…)

Slacks! Blouses! Brooches!

David Sims for Vogue UK - model in vintage brooch

“I want slacks! I want blouses! I want brooches!”

My friend J tells me a hilarious story of his wranglings with ball-breaking Hollywood publicists in his days as a high flying entertainment editor. One shrieked the above styling order to him down her BlackBerry while organising a cover shoot for her mid-aughts A-lister.

That lady’s time has come again; the brooch is back. (more…)

Old Burberry

The Queen wearing Burberry at Windsor Great Park in 1985 by Tim Graham via Vogue

Having an #oldburberry moment and thinking about the signature check in a classic old money outdoorsy context.

Kinda nailed by this old school photo of The Queen at Windsor Great Park in 1985 by Tim Graham. This was in the days when Burberry was more of a traditional British brand rather than a luxury brand. Still quietly well regarded, but not ‘fashion’ and definitely not ‘hype’. (more…)

Did blogs change the fashion industry?

blogs in Vogue

Sad but true, blogging is considered something of a retro curiosity. Now that everything 2000s is trending, we’re seeing quite a few nostalgic deep dives into the early days of fashion blogs, aka the grass roots movement that upended the publishing industry.

Vogue US has a podcast here, which uncovers the anonymous online identity years, the democratisation of fashion shows and early Fashion Week street style (throw back to that time Tommy Ton’s team mobbed my friend at LFW for a photo of a hole in his sleeve!). (more…)