
What to buy from Old Stone Trade

Old Stone Trade denim

While luxury fashion brands seem to be in meltdown, it feels like we’re rediscovering the joy of really good clothes. Considered cuts, well-made, and respectfully priced so their makers get paid decently. That’s the ethos of Old Stone Trade, a niche online marketplace that’s been going viral on SubStack.

It’s a simple premise. Niche artisan makers sell classic, small-batch Americana-leaning designs such as a satin-collared tuxedo, Aran knitwear and ivory wool trousers (more…)

The culture of fashion: Agnès B

Agnès b in the first Rue du Jour store in 1976

French Girl Style – it’s the aesthetic that just won’t stop giving. And with the Paris Olympics mere hours away, you’d better buckle up, as it’s about to become even more omnipresent. The reason French Girl Style aka garconne style resonates is its timelessness, its realness, and its rooted-in-utility-ness. Oh, and something else really important – culture.

And who better to illustrate this point than Agnès B? (more…)

On “Mid” creativity, wild sincerity and the curse of the algorithm

Eric - Benedict Cumberbatch
I’m halfway through watching Eric on Netflix thanks to a few gushing Facebook recommendations.

I don’t watch many streamed series. A combination of shattered attention span and a default anti-hype setting means I prefer to wait till the fuss dies down and then I… don’t get round to it.

Anyway, I’m liking Eric (above), the 80s crime drama about a dysfunctional puppeteer whose son goes missing and the various sub-plots woven within. I’m particularly enjoying the early-80s New York setting, cultural references, cinematic colour grading and ace music score, along with the suspenseful pace of the storytelling.

Is it blowing my mind? Not quite. But it’s good enough. The New York Times has a coincidental opinion piece pondering the “mid”-ness of current TV. (more…)

Shop the post: double shirts in the wild

Popeye City Boy Style

Now the sweaters are off, it’s time to think about shirts. Why wear one when you can wear two (or three)? A small button-down under a bigger one worn undone. Two identical, worn unbuttoned over a tee. Two different styles, or the same style with contrasting stripes.

Take some inspo from these examples in the wild – I will… (more…)