Harry Lambert

Cartier Trinity x Emma Corrin

Emma Corrin Cartier Trinity in HTSI

Loving Emma Corrin in the FT’s HTSI this weekend.

To celebrate the centenary of Cartier’s Trinity ring, Emma is showing off the new ‘cushion shape’ (jeweller-speak for square with rounded corners) in both the ring and bangle update. The Cartier Trinity ring with its three intertwining bands of yellow gold, rose gold and white gold is famous for its radical simplicity and gender-fluidity, which chimed with 1924’s garconne era of flapper dresses and gamine haircuts. While fashion lore ascribes its creation to Jean Cocteau, it was in fact designed by Louis Cartier. (Cocteau was an avid fan though, so that’s endorsement enough for me.)

Bonus points here for Harry Lambert’s styling and Indigo Lewin’s photography. Never not loving an extreme close-up cover and a skinny leather tie… (more…)

Nautical niceties for AW24 menswear

SS Daley AW24

There’s nothing new about nautical themes in fashion, but we can never get enough of them. SS Daley is my AW24 menswear highlight so far (above and below). Styled by Harry Lambert, it’s a romantic, eclectic take on the Oxbridge student life of a bygone era, with an added nautical influence via an E.M Forster story about an English boy’s encounter with an Italian fisherman. Give me all the messy layering, practical headgear, fish-print foulards and pops of yellow please. Amy de la Haye’sShip Shape’ (act 2 of ‘Oh Boy! Dressing Boys 1750-1930’) exhibition at the Fashion & Textile Museum looks like a good source for further maritime-themed inspo. (more…)