Agnes B

The culture of fashion: Agnès B

Agnès b in the first Rue du Jour store in 1976

French Girl Style – it’s the aesthetic that just won’t stop giving. And with the Paris Olympics mere hours away, you’d better buckle up, as it’s about to become even more omnipresent. The reason French Girl Style aka garconne style resonates is its timelessness, its realness, and its rooted-in-utility-ness. Oh, and something else really important – culture.

And who better to illustrate this point than Agnès B? (more…)

The perfect ten fashion items of all time

The Ten - Lauren Cochrane

If you’re someone who loves to intellectualise fashion, then Lauren Cochrane’s new book, The Ten: The Stories Behind the Fashion Classics* should stoke your fires.

It’s a deeper-than-deep dive into fashion’s enduring classics from the white tee to the blue jean via the mini skirt, Breton top, ballet pump, little black dress, stiletto, hoodie, trench coat and biker jacket. In case you’re thinking, ‘yawwwnnnn, what more is there to know?’, the answer is, plenty. (more…)

Perfect pairing: Levi’s and Agnès b

Agnes b jumper with Levi's jeans

The clocks just went back so I’m bracing myself for the next few months of brutal weather (alongside everything else). Come on Britain, we can get through this! My cold weather coping strategies? Sweaters, blankets and sugar. I don’t really have any major vices, so I’ll be drowning my lockdown sorrows in Dr Pepper and Tony’s Chocolonely chocolate. Oh and I found the perfect oversize sweater last spring that’s going to be my constant companion for winter – Agnès b’s cashmere AB jumper. (more…)