
London Craft Week 2019 is here

Pringle of Scotland London Craft Week 2019

I know this is a terrible thing to say, but there’s too much good stuff on right now. I just caught the last day of Diane Arbus at The Hayward (brilliant). Just missed Don McCullin at the Tate (gutted). And now London Craft Week has snuck up on me and I’m nowhere near ready for it.

London Craft Week is now in its fifth year, a festival of all things artisanal and considered, with the additional backing of some heavyweight sponsors including Dunhill and Purdey to give it that extra push. (more…)

Is it too soon for beauty advent calendars?

Castelbajac X L'OCCITANE Classic Advent Calendar

This time every year we have this dilemma about whether it’s too early to discuss Christmas. But, hey, we need something to look forward to, right? The press got a first look at all the gifty launches a month or so ago (in a month-long junket known as ‘Christmas In July’) and so we’ve seen all there is to see of advent calendars, gift selection sets and the like already.

Beauty advent calendars still seems to have plenty of mileage in them (read my post on the business of advent calendars and beauty subscription boxes here) and brands and retailers are having to up their game in order to stand out. (more…)

Quote of the day: John Maxwell-Worrell

Allan ‘Capitan’ Thornhill image from Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival

“West Indians who went to the carnival actually felt empowered by their numbers because outside of those two days we felt like one blackcuurant in a large pink teacake.”

John Maxwell-Worrell, music promoter, Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival (more…)

Things to do: Fashion Revolution Week Open Studios

Phoebe English Fashion revolution Week Open Studios

Last week, I went to a Fash & Mash Pioneers talk with Dan Widmaier, CEO and co-founder of Bolt Threads, the textile start-up that’s been working with Stella McCartney to create sustainable high-performance fabrics, such as lab-grown ‘spider silk’. It was well timed to add to the conversation around Earth Day and this week’s Fashion Revolution Week, in which we take a good look at our consumption habits and how they affect the world around us. The main takeaway from Widmaier’s talk was the realisation that our current consumption levels are truly out of control. So this year’s Fashion Revolution Week seems to be more important than ever. (more…)