
Grensons for girls

Gentlemanly shoes continue to storm the international runways (hello Haider Ackermann) which means it’s a good time for Grenson to launch its first full womenswear line. Crucially, the women’s shoes take their lead from the men’s range, being only a whisker slimmer than the men’s lasts but essentially the same styles. (more…)

can the mule be cool?

Anna’s footwear of choice looks to be returning from the fashion doldrums. Spotted at Fendi and Prada, it’s the latest bad-taste shoe to be reincarnated as the subversively cool option. What do you say – eek or chic?



For the record, Carine says eek…

Top photo: The Sartorialist
Bottom photo: Melanie Rickey
Other images:]

FOUND! The detachable collar that wont swivel!

Thanks to Keep It Chic I have discovered a new fashion term. A ‘topping’ is apparently the name of these switcheroo collars that have a bit of extra fabric to keep them in place. The word ‘topping’ came from CeCe Toppings‘ founder Jamie Turquie; “it’s the top of the shirt. The word ‘dickey* was so unattractive that it automatically put off so many people. Topping sounds so much prettier, don’t you think?” (more…)