Ralph Lauren

The DRG Style Index: Ralph Lauren, Prada X Adidas, Keith Haring

Here’s the latest DRG STYLE INDEX ranking, a round-up of the brands and industry stories currently buzzing on my radar…


Ralph Lauren HBO documentary
In the 20-teens you’re no one if you haven’t had a documentary made about you. The Ralph Lauren story, Very Ralph, airs on HBO this Tuesday, but according to the NYT it’s as saccharine as a Polo ad campaign. In response to the lack of scandalous ‘tea’, Ralph said, “Can people believe there might be people out there who might be honorable? They can’t believe it. They won’t be happy unless they find out that I’m a killer or I did something bad.” (more…)

Shop the post: What to wear for summer in the city

shorts for summer in the city by Margaret Howell

See, this is the problem. When you live in a city that’s damp and moody 90% of the time (especially even in summer), you come unstuck in a heatwave. I rarely buy full-on summer stuff because it just seems too much like tempting fate. Inevitably if I buy anything remotely holidaymaker-ish we’re beset with weeks of floods. (Context: it’s 40 degrees in London today.)

So here I am in need of shorts, smart tees, a big airy dress and some sort of dress-up-dress-down shirt. Warning: don’t Google ‘women’s army shorts’ like I just did. (more…)

The Prada cafe, Marchesi 1824 lands in Mount Street

Marchesi 1824 London patisserie Mount Street

Dean & Deluca never made it to Mount Street, but Marchesi 1824 did.

The famous Prada-owned patisserie opened in May on the old Allens of Mayfair butchers site, retaining its façade, marble flooring and original ceramic tiling. You can perch on green velvet couches and chairs, sipping a £6 cappuccino, while sampling a huge array of sourdough pastries, bite-sized fruit tarts and Instagram-fodder finger sandwiches. (more…)

Shop the post: Is tech wear the new street wear?

Polo Ralph Lauren Polo 11 Jacket with self heating technology
Is tech wear the new street wear? Yes please if it’s going along these lines…

Here’s a new hi tech idea from Ralph Lauren. Annoyingly, the Polo 11 jacket (above), a Bluetooth-controlled self heating jacket that warms up with the aid of an app, is strictly limited edition so will probably only be seen on a few ‘influencers’ and undeserving celebs (more…)