Google Plus

Watch DVF’s shoppable Google Hangout here

SO this is the DVF shoppable Google Hangout. It happened in the middle of last night hosted live by Diane Von Furstenberg and Lucky Magazine’s Eva Chen and attended by six fashion fans, plus beauty vlogger Michelle Phan. It’s similar to the hangout that Donatella Versace did for Versus, in that is has a host interviewing a designer about the collection. But this one’s different because it’s shoppable. So kind of like QVC?

It’s very detailed, with Diane giving quite a lot of background and information to the collection. But aside from talking about the collection, the Hangoutees (what do you call Hangout members? Hangouters? Hanger-outers?) ask Diane about being an entrepreneur, style confidence and dealing with haters. If you’ve even seen DVF give a talk, you’ll know this is highly watchable.

If you’re not on Google Plus, it’s quite easy to join up. (And if you do, please do follow my page at If you’re interested, read my Google Plus post here to find out how it all works and what the deal is with Google Hangouts.

Join me this LFW on Google Hangout for a live Max Factor make-up lesson


Looking forward to London Fashion Week? Here’s something I hope will grab you. On Friday 13th September, I’ll be hosting a live make-up lesson on Google Hangout with Max Factor to help launch its Whipped Crème foundation. In the morning I’ll be tweeting up a storm backstage at Felder Felder, then post-show, snatching the make-up from the hands of Max Factor make-up artist Mel Arter and delivering them to Max Factor make-up artist Caroline Barnes at our Google Hangout*. We will be joined by P&G’s Dr Sarah Vickery, Felder Felder’s Isabelle Domier and hopefully…you. (more…)

What’s the fuss about Google Plus?


I joined Google Plus a long time ago but like a lot of people, I never really got my head around it. And at that stage you couldn’t have brand Pages, only personal profiles so I couldn’t have one for my blog. (It doesn’t like pseudonyms and refused to believe my name was ‘Disney Rollergirl’ for some reason – can’t think why). However a while later, when it launched Pages, I gave it another go and now populate it the way I do Facebook. I also follow a bunch of fashion bloggers and brands so it works like a kind of Google Reader, allowing me to read their blog posts and updates in an easily digested format. (more…)