
What Moleskine did next

Moleskine is for the Paperchase addict who grew up but never stopped loving stationery. Along with the library-leisure trend, the current stationery obsession is another parallel to the digital revolution. Technology freaks like paper too! Moleskine has been slowly building its empire with expensive beautiful, no-frills products. Here are some of my favourites:

Clip-on pens and pencils
Moleskine Pencils, Roller Pens, Slip-on grips

Bigger A4 hardback notebooks and sketchbooks

iPad cases. These are great as you can position your notepad on the left or right, depending on whether you’re left or right-handed. I spotted one first in a meeting with the unstoppable Chris Morton from Lyst and have been looking out for them ever since (only compatible with first generation iPads though).

More Moleskine stationery porn here.

Style Compare STYLE SOS: Tweet me your fashion dilemmas!

Years before the blogosphere was even a twinkle in Mr Blogspot’s eye, I was a ‘fashion expert’ for an online fashion site. My task was to answer real time fashion queries from readers – everything on what to wear to a prom when you’re 5’2″ and size 20 to where to find Earl jeans (remember them?). My editor used to call me ‘the Mother Teresa for the style-free and stunted’. Tsk.

Actually, I loved it and I’m back in the game every Thursday in June but with a speeded-up, 21st century twist. Style Compare’s Twitter #StyleSOS kicks off on 2nd June at 4pm for one hour. I’ll be guest tweeting from @stylecompare, giving fashion and shopping advice in 140 characters or less. If you’re not on Twitter (why not? it’s fun!), you can ‘tweet’ your questions to me here in advance and check Twitter for the reply on the day. Smartphones on standby…