Quote of the day

Quote of the day: anonymous ex-Tiffany salesperson

Linda Evangelista by Peter Lindbergh for U.S Vogue, 1989

“If you were scheduled on the main floor, you’re going to get a ton of people who were just looking. On the second floor, which was the silver jewelry, you had a lot more people who were actually buying because it was the entry-level price point. Honestly, anytime someone came in and you heard a British accent, you knew they were going to the silver floor.” (more…)

Quote of the day: Jenna Lyons

Jenna Lyons Real Housewives of New York - Gavin Bond

“There’s something about caterers that they love blue cheese, caviar or salmon roe, and Champagne, which has to create the worst breath situation possibly known to man. Throw in a little bit of dill, and you’re done. Tragic. It’s so disgusting … My one strategy is to stand by the door to the kitchen where the servers are coming out. Then you get them right when the food is coming out. If you stand away from the kitchen, by the time it gets to you, the little macaroni-and-cheeses or mini grilled cheeses nobody else ate have coagulated, and the servers have been bumped around so they’re not in the best mood.”
Jenna Lyons, Bon Appétit (more…)

Au revoir Jane, the ultimate garconne

Jane Birkin - the ultimate garconne

Celebrities dying is nothing new, but word of Jane Birkin’s passing feels personal. Not because she was an icon or a diva but because she wasn’t.

Despite her obvious physical beauty and talent she always came across to me as down to earth and real. I remember ‘meeting’ her with That’s Not My Age at a Miller Harris event (Lyn Harris had created a bespoke fragrance for her and they had remained friends). Well, Alyson actually spoke to her while I hovered awkwardly. (more…)

Quote of the Day: Kim Jones, Faith Fanzine

Kim Jones Silvia Venturini Fendi
“Silvia is really funny because she loves techno, she’s a really chic woman, and she’s like, ‘ooh, put some techno on.’ There’s a Jeff Mills mix that we listen to quite a lot.”
Kim Jones on Silvia Venturini Fendi, Faith Fanzine (more…)