Jenna Lyons

Quote of the day: Jenna Lyons

Jenna Lyons Real Housewives of New York - Gavin Bond

“There’s something about caterers that they love blue cheese, caviar or salmon roe, and Champagne, which has to create the worst breath situation possibly known to man. Throw in a little bit of dill, and you’re done. Tragic. It’s so disgusting … My one strategy is to stand by the door to the kitchen where the servers are coming out. Then you get them right when the food is coming out. If you stand away from the kitchen, by the time it gets to you, the little macaroni-and-cheeses or mini grilled cheeses nobody else ate have coagulated, and the servers have been bumped around so they’re not in the best mood.”
Jenna Lyons, Bon Appétit (more…)

Gentlewoman style: A look inside Jenna Lyons’ apartment

Jenny Lyons apartment decor

My bags are packed and I’m ready and waiting to move in with Jenna!

How fabulous is Jenna Lyons‘ apartment? The New York Times T magazine has the whole feature but if you only want pics, here’s the low-down. Blush pink velvet seating, Cy Twombly art, an Hermes-covered screen and an overall Paris-modern vibe.

I’m going to go to bed dreaming of that Breccia Capraia marble bathroom (more…)

First look: UK September Vogue

As much as we all love digital, there’s still nothing that beats holding that all-important Vogue September issue in your hands. And then devouring it page by page (a breathless flick through first, then a more considered pace of page-turning). (more…)