Quote of the day

Quote of the day: WTF is Dimes Square?

Cafe de Flore by Robert Doisneau

“This is a city filled with people who thrive on trying to stay culturally relevant, and thus, have anxiety over not being relevant enough. It leads to an obsession over where the chic people are hanging out—the artists, the writers, the avant-garde. The fascination with the next big thing is why you probably read about Williamsburg for a while in the early 2010s, a media treatment that eventually broadened to Brooklyn overall. The Brooklynification of the world is well-documented, synonymous with hipster and reclaimed wood, and gentrification.”
Serena Dai, Bon Appetit (more…)

Quote of the day: Michael Bise on 90s Gap

Gap quote Michael Bise

“Being at Gap in 1998 and 1999 was like being Tina Turner at the 1985 Grammys. She won everything that year. She was the most celebrated. The most eyes were on her. Everyone was looking at her and following her every move. And that’s what it was like at Gap.” (more…)

Quote of the day: Andre Leon Talley on toxic punctuality

Andre Leon Talley and Anna Wintour by Marina Schiano

‘It really piques her when you’re late. Or when you don’t show up and she expects to see you there, she gets really, really upset. She can’t stand absentia or tardiness. She can’t stand people who linger over their food. My first lunch with Anna when we first went to Vogue was at BiCE. We sat down at 1 o’clock, the lunch was over at 1:12. As I was about to bite into my main course [she said], “OK, we’re done. Let’s go back to the office.”’
Andre Leon Talley, Amy Odell’s Back Row newsletter (more…)