Quote of the day

Quote of the day: Andre Leon Talley on toxic punctuality

Andre Leon Talley and Anna Wintour by Marina Schiano

‘It really piques her when you’re late. Or when you don’t show up and she expects to see you there, she gets really, really upset. She can’t stand absentia or tardiness. She can’t stand people who linger over their food. My first lunch with Anna when we first went to Vogue was at BiCE. We sat down at 1 o’clock, the lunch was over at 1:12. As I was about to bite into my main course [she said], “OK, we’re done. Let’s go back to the office.”’
Andre Leon Talley, Amy Odell’s Back Row newsletter (more…)

Quote of the day: Michael Musto

Michael Musto by Andrew Werner

“The respect you get is lovely. People start calling you things like “iconic”. You also amass lots of wisdom about how to behave in certain situations. Documentary producers start to feel that you’ve done it all and know it all. A lot of those who call you “iconic” aren’t sure exactly what you’ve done—they just sort of know you’re somebody who did something or other. (more…)

Quote of the day: Gert Jonkers

Gert Jonkers

“I’ve amassed more than 50 Levi’s henley T-shirts from the time they put their logo under the button placket: three buttons, four buttons, long-sleeved, short-sleeved and, the rarest, sleeveless henleys. I rarely wear them, but what does that matter? Maybe they’ll be part of my uniform next summer; maybe I’ll write a book about them. There are clothes for the fantasy of being able to transform into, say, a truck driver or a raver if I suddenly want to.” (more…)