Iain R Webb

Rebel stylist: Caroline Baker – the woman who invented street fashion

Rebel Stylist - Caroline Baker for Vogue - photography Harri Peccinotti

If you’re struggling for killer fashion gift ideas, allow me to make a recommendation.

I’ve just received my copy of Rebel Stylist*, a fantastic delve into the story of fashion styling straight from the lips (and visual archive) of the lady who invented it all, Caroline Baker. Caroline is a legend in the industry. She has worked for everyone, from Nova magazine to The Face, Vogue and i-D, as well as with iconic designers and brands including Benetton (the Toscani ads), Katharine Hamnett and Vivienne Westwood. Not to mention photographers – Helmut Newton, Hari Peccinotti, Sarah Moon, Guy Bourdin, Saul Leiter. Every mainstream trend you can think of – layering, military surplus, power dressing, underwear-as-outerwear – she was there first, trailblazing well before most of us were in nappies. (more…)

Beautiful freaks: Iain R Webb on clubs, counter culture and unbridled creativity

Iain R Webb

The wonderful Iain R Webb, award-winning fashion writer and author of the book As Seen In BLITZ, sent me a whole essay in answer to an email I sent him a few months ago when I was after a few lines to use for a quote for an article. I decided it was too good not to share in its entirety, so he said I could publish it here. Read and be inspired…

IAIN R WEBB writes…
In the summer of 1980 I left St Martins School of Art, having studied fashion design, first in my class. Within a week I was last in the dole queue. (more…)

Quote of the day: Caroline Baker

Caroline Baker stylist

“The early 1980s was a lovely time. Punk had shaken everyone up, the Japanese taking over Paris was dynamic in terms of new looks and working with [Katharine] Hamnett was thrilling for me as she always pushed me to do more and more! I have always loved adding strings, ribbons, belts, torn strips of fabric, net and lace to my styling looks so I was in my element.”
Caroline Baker, Hope And Glitter

This quote is taken from a rather lovely interview with legendary stylist Caroline Baker on Iain R Webb’s blog, Hope & Glitter. I assisted Caroline years ago, and if I forgot to pack her bag of ribbons on a shoot there would be hell to pay!