Peter Angelo Simon

Muhammad Ali Fighter’s Heaven 1974

Muhammad Ali by Peter Angelo Simon from the book Fighter's Heaven

Peter Angelo Simon’s photos of Muhammad Ali are especially poignant today after news broke of Ali’s passing. These pictures of Ali training at his retreat ‘Fighter’s Heaven’ have just finished showing at the Serena Morton Gallery, and the accompanying book, ‘Muhammad Ali Fighter’s Heaven 1974’ is due in August (available to pre-order now).

Fighter’s Heaven was Ali’s Pennsylvania retreat, where he would mentally and physically prepare himself for his fights. (more…)

Things to see and do in April, May and beyond

Dan Witz Moshpits, Raves and One Small Orgy

So did you spend the last few days fretting about the new Instagram algorithms? Ahhhh, me too. But it’s important, right? How can we make serendipitous discoveries when Instagram insists on controlling what we see? Example: the picture above, a detail from one of Dan Witz’s paintings, which I just stumbled upon on Instagram yesterday (thank you @ByronesqueVintage). Witz’s show Moshpits, Raves and One Small Orgy can be seen in New York at the Jonathan Levine Gallery from 2nd-30th April 2016. (more…)