Fashion Revolution

On eco-activism, who made your clothes and the third summer of love

Jim Marshall Photography

Are we about to enter the third Summer of Love? All the ingredients seem ripe for the mix; a groundswell of political activism, the legalise weed campaign, plus an overarching peace-n-love vibe from the youth contingent. The last week in London has seen peace protest camps from Extinction Rebellion plot up in Westminster, Oxford Circus and Marble Arch, increasing eco-activism and awareness globally.

When I went to visit the Marble Arch camp on Saturday, it happened to be the same day as the 420 rally, with blazing sunshine, a carefree Glasto vibe and the distinct whiff of weed wafting across from Hyde Park. As with the recent anti-Brexit march, DJs and musicians lent their support to a rotating sound system so the likes of Massive Attack could show solitary to the cause. It was all rather groovy. (more…)

Things to do: Fashion Revolution Week Open Studios

Phoebe English Fashion revolution Week Open Studios

Last week, I went to a Fash & Mash Pioneers talk with Dan Widmaier, CEO and co-founder of Bolt Threads, the textile start-up that’s been working with Stella McCartney to create sustainable high-performance fabrics, such as lab-grown ‘spider silk’. It was well timed to add to the conversation around Earth Day and this week’s Fashion Revolution Week, in which we take a good look at our consumption habits and how they affect the world around us. The main takeaway from Widmaier’s talk was the realisation that our current consumption levels are truly out of control. So this year’s Fashion Revolution Week seems to be more important than ever. (more…)

Positive fashion: Fashion Revolution and London Craft Week

London Craft Week and Fashion Revolution

On Monday I’m going to Gloucester for one of my favourite blogging activities; I’m off to watch my very own bespoke shirts being made. I now have quite a stash of How It’s Made features in the vault (see them here), from field trips to the Dr Martens factory, the Chanel embroidery workshops, the Smythson bookbinding workshops and – one of my most visited posts – the Hermes handbag workshop just outside Paris. It’s always an amazing treat as I love getting insider access to these places and geeking out at all the processes. (more…)