
Print media – but make it French

Harper's Bazaar France March 2023

Digital media is in meltdown. Again!

Buzzfeed news is dead, Paper followed suit and things aren’t looking too rosy for Vice. Meanwhile, everyone’s sick of Instagram and TikTok is burning us out, one braincell at a time.

It’s enough to send one running to the calm, serene refuge of print mags – particularly French ones. (more…)

Digital media – what went wrong?

The Sartorialist

It’s been all doom, gloom and drama in the digital media-sphere this week. In the news – Buzzfeed and HuffPo are laying off hundreds of staff, Conde Nast is introducing a paywall and social media influencers are going to have to start putting #ad on practically all of their posts (probably).

Where did it all go so wrong?

For me, it all goes back to that time when legacy brands decided to repurpose their paid-for print articles as free online content. Rookie mistake! (more…)