
Hermes Editeur: Hiroshi Sugimoto vs Josef Albers

Hiroshi Sugimoto Hermes scarves
Hermes is showing its latest Hermes Editeur scarf collaboration with Hiroshi Sugimoto at Art Basel til tomorrow. The silk scarves of Sugimoto’s Polaroids are a lesson in pure colour that Hermes has produced using a new inkjet printing method. You can see the whole range of scarves on the Hermes Editeur site (the behind-the-scenes photos are quite something), alongside the previous collaboration with Josef Albers. In fact, Sugimoto and Albers complement each other quite beautifully…


Hermes pop-up scarf boutique at Harrods

If this year wasn’t all about extravagant scarf prints, next year certainly will be. If you’re going to buy a posh silk scarf, you might as well make it an Hermes one and to entice you even more, Hermes has set up a special pop-up scarf boutique at Harrods (in the Room of luxury 2 on the ground floor) where every Wednesday and Friday afternoon between now and 2nd January 2012, you can learn how to tie a scarf like a pro. (more…)

I *heart* men in scarves

Men in silk scarves. Should be a no-no, right? And yet, these guys look perfectly relaxed and appropriate and not camp in the least (well, apart from the one with the Warhol-style coiff but even he looks great). Let’s break it down.

No 1 has just the right nonchalance to pull off a half-done knot and the rest of the outfit is understated thus letting the scarf do the talking.

No 2 has this whole studied-unstudied thing going on with the crumpled but tucked-in shirt, the rolled up sleeves and the subtle colour-matching of glasses to scarf. I think the word here is ‘comfortable’. He makes it look so easy!

No 3 is doing what I would have thought was impossible and making a silk square and a hoodie look uncontrived. How? Maybe it’s the attitude…?

I really like no 4 but that scarf arrangement would drive me nuts. How do you put a jacket or coat over it without constant readjustments? It looks bloody good though…

This last look is something very similar to what my D would do and maybe me too. It’s all about classic pieces. Individually, the jumper, coat, trousers and shoes, and indeed the scarf are quiet components but put together they just have a certain style that you can’t put your finger on.

Conclusion: Let’s see more boys in silk scarves please…

Hermes: Others: The]