haul videos

Beauty blogging: do we need a palette cleanse?

Kylie Jenner Lip Kits

OK, firstly please excuse the terribly pun-ny title, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But seriously, there’s been a lot of talk about blogging fatigue lately – particularly beauty blogging and I thought it would be interesting to discuss. (more…)

Style Compare’s haul videos

After banging on a lot about haul videos a while ago, I haven’t really had the time to watch them. But I recently discovered Style Compare’s haul video section, StyleTV, where the clever retailer gave 10 top haulers £100 to spend on Style Compare and then invited them to vlog about what they bought. (more…)

Haul vloggers: the next target for fashion brands?

Is it me or is anyone else obsessed with haul videos? What’s a haul video? It’s a vlogging phenomenon whereby (mostly) teenagers shop at the mall then go home and video themselves talking through what they bought. And, er…that’s it. But this simple concept is taking America by storm. (more…)