3d printing

The third industrial revolution: On 3D printing and its impact on the fashion industry

Five months ago, BON magazine commissioned me to write about 3D printing and its potential impact on the fashion industry. The best bit was researching it (with some great help from Jen Eleto). I got some incredibly generous insights from the likes of Dutch product designer Sjors Bergmans who made the first wearable 3D printed shoes, Chris Norman, CEO of 3D printing company Kraftwurx, and Peter Hill who runs the fashion digital studio at London College of Fashion. During my interview with Ron Arad, he disappeared to unearth some 3D printed earrings from the back office of his studio. They were made nine years ago – “the first 3D printed consumer accessories”, according to him.

I also spoke to legal expert Kenneth Mullen and commercial strategy consultant Ceci Guicciardi to get their views on how the ease of 3D printing in future will affect copyright laws, while LCF’s Peter Hill even let us use the LCF 3D printers to make some possible designer ‘fakes’ – with interesting results. (Conclusion: it’s early days for this technology but it’s developing fast.) The article has just been published and has had a good response. Some people are calling 3D printing the third industrial revolution, but if you still think 3D printing in fashion means creating 3D textures on a T-shirt, then maybe you need to go to 3D Printshow at The Brewery in Clerkenwell this weekend. (Admission is £19.95 and boooking is advisable. Info here.)

The full article can be found in BON magazine, out now…

UPDATE: You can read an edited version of the article on Business of Fashion

WORDS: Navaz Batliwalla/Disneyrollergirl
IMAGE: BON Magazine

Fashion futurism: DVF’s Google Glass video

I’m convinced that eyewear is going to be the fashion category with the most possibilities for future tech innovation. While I’m not quite sure what’s happened with Lady Gaga’s Polaroid camera glasses, we’re already starting to see an emergence in 3d printed eyewear, but let’s put that aside for now.

This week it’s all about Google Glass, thanks to Diane Von Furstenberg’s NYFW collab with Google. When she took her bow on the catwalk with Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin on Sunday, she was wearing one of the colour-coded eye-pieces. Turns out each Google Glass houses a chip in its frame which was able to record the preparations and goings-on of show day. The final video is here to see and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of Google Glass technology…

3D printing in fashion: Nike and Ross Barber

I’ve been researching 3D printing in fashion for a few weeks. Most commonly used for prototyping in industrial design, Nike has started using it for prototyping its fashion sportswear and LCF graduate Ross Barber used it to make hybrid leather-nylon shoes. When I try to explain 3D printing to people, they (understandably) have no idea what I’m talking about. These videos explain it better…

Ross Barber
