quote of the day

Quote of the day: Helen Mirren


“I am not gorgeous, I never was, but I was always OK-looking and I’m keen to stay that way…I hope I can inspire other women towards greater confidence by making the most of their natural good looks. We are all worth it!”
Helen Mirren quoted in The Guardian, in an excellent piece by Alyson Walsh (AKA That’s Not My Age) on older women in beauty advertising

Quote of the day: Tomas Maier


“I think nobody needs another fashion show. I think all of you sit in so many fashion shows that you can’t take it anymore at the end of the season. And you have to look at so much crap, too, that you probably don’t even want to see.”

Always good to hear what Tomas Maier has to say. Here he shares his thoughts on everyday design, fashion show fatigue and the intersection of physical and digital in retail. Via Style.com.

Quote of the day: Alex Katz


“I like generic. I get a pair [of Levi’s 501s] every year and that’s about it. I’ve paid to have suits made, and it was incredibly expensive and then I never wear them. My wife and I were nominated for some best-dressed award in Europe and they asked, ‘What’s your favorite jacket?’ I told them it was red nylon from L.L. Bean, and that was the last I heard of that!”
Alex Katz, T Magazine