Iris Apfel

Iris Apfel on Matisse

Have you booked your ticket for Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs yet? Do go, I grumbled a bit about the £18 ticket price but someone pointed out to me that the rest of the museum is free, which I guess is a very good point.

Anyway I couldn’t not share this gem from the Tate, who rocked up at Iris Apfel’s house to film her Matisse-inspired wardrobe. As she says, anyone who works with colour has to have been inspired by Matisse – how could they not?

Here’s my report from the Matisse press preview

Quote of the day: Iris Apfel and Tavi Gevinson at The Met *VIDEO*

“If you put something together and it doesn’t look good, the fashion police are not going to take you away. And if they do you might have some fun in jail!”
Iris Apfel in conversation with Tavi Gevinson and Judith Thurman in this fantastic video, ‘Sunday at the Met – Good Taste/Bad Taste: The Evolution of Contemporary Chic‘. Further proof that age in fashion is quite irrelevant. Do watch…