Cara Delevinge snapping selfies on the Giles catwalk; Kendall Jenner announcing her Estee Lauder gig on Instagram; the entire Victoria’s Secret show strategically hashtagged on every social stream going – welcome to the world of modeling 2.0. Boom! Suddenly the era of Versace’s lip-syncing supermodels seems rather quaint.
But then I remind myself that it’s nearly 25 years later and the fashion industry itself has undergone its own metamorphosis. (more…)
I’ve wanted to shoot with Vanessa Jackman for yonks. We met on a funny bloggers’ trip to Paris a few years ago and generally catch up twice a year on the fashion week circuit where she shoots street style (her blog is shortlisted for a Bloglovin’ award – go vote!) and I research the shows.
Finally we carved some time this summer to shoot the charming and creative Claudia Gould, who epitomises the new breed of multi-pronged model with attitude. Our friends at MIH Jeans gave us the run of their West London showroom and a rail of AW14 samples. The Phoebe Slim is already something of a cult jean, while we all cooed over the men’s Jean Machine chunky navy sweater, one of those wear-anywhere-and-everywhere staples. I also loved the inky indigo raw-edged straight skirt, styled here with a Post-It pink bra from & Other Stories.
The theme for the shoot was loosely denim-based. We wanted to evoke a laid back but bittersweet mood that expresses the melancholy of late summer-early autumn. So I added to the mix Rejina Pyo’s ruched red skirt, Dusan’s luxurious poncho and a double-layered jacket from 3.1 Phillip Lim, all newly arrived at The Shop At Bluebird. To shop the shoot, just click on the pictures or the embedded links below…