
Taking a moment

Bruce Weber
When did self-care become a dirty word? The concept originated in the late 60s by radical feminists wanting to empower women by teaching them to get to know their anatomies. But in recent years, ‘self-care’ has come to encompass the Goopification of beauty, aka a capitalist catch-all that couches healthy habits and ancestral rituals in spa language and posh packaging. My take on self-care is somewhere in the middle. Nice-to-have products (that don’t have to be expensive) and free DIY practices to maintain health and wellbeing rather than ‘optimising’. (more…)

Aroma Therapy

Harper's Bazaar

Smell is a big thing for me. I’m the opposite of a fragrance-free kinda girl. I’m here for the full-fat geranium and lavender self-care experience and like many others, scent has become a sort of olfactory comfort blanket in recent months. Unsurprisingly, it’s also led to a few new product launches. Here are some of my latest aroma-therapy discoveries… (more…)