Zara embraces tastemakers with social commerce campaign
The latest retailer to tap tastemakers’ own style to showcase its wares is Zara. On its site under ‘Pictures‘ is a Tumblr-style cascade of lovely lifestyle images featuring Yasmin Sewell, Cate Underwood, Caroline De Maigret and Sofia Sanchez Barrenechea. Plus street style shots from Roy Of The Street and Citizen Couture.
For a fast-fashion brand that’s so quick off the mark with product it’s a bit odd that it has taken Zara this long to work with bloggers. I don’t think I’ve ever had an email from Zara or know that they even have press days (correct me if I’m wrong). But they obviously realise that the social sharing landscape goes hand in hand with selling clothes. If you click on an image, you get the option to buy the item or share on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter (no Tumblr?). While some brands (Jimmy Choo, Burberry) go for the egalitarian approach, allowing customers to self-upload images for consideration to similar sites, this is much more controlled and curated. As I understand it, it’s an ongoing project so it will be interesting to see how it develops. I’m hoping they will put a unique spin on it in some way to make it into a really rich, long lasting campaign.
I actually discovered the project via Pinterest but haven’t seen much other info on it. What do you think? Is this a good way for brands to market their products and have you ever shopped in this way?
17 October, 2013 @ 4:19 pm
They are very quiet on the blogger front but I did get invited to the new Oxford St store opening earlier this year. I guess word of mouth is doing pretty well for them, people will post their lookbook images without it being suggested by a press release.
17 October, 2013 @ 10:01 pm
Good point Kristabel. They’re like the Celine of the high street, they can do want they want and we all coming running anyway…
Fashion Follows Her
18 October, 2013 @ 9:34 am
I hadn’t really noticed but you’re right, such a shame because I love Zara!
20 October, 2013 @ 10:22 am
Perhaps it’s becuase they’re so big, but I feel like Zara is a very faceless brand – I love their clothes but I don’t feel like their Twitter account (in particular) has any personality to it. But then, as Kristabel said, word of mouth is their strong point, so we’ll keep flocking to them regardless of how they engage with bloggers/social media.
20 October, 2013 @ 10:11 pm
@SJP – their Twitter is apalling. Don’t know why they even bother!