
What Moleskine did next

Moleskine is for the Paperchase addict who grew up but never stopped loving stationery. Along with the library-leisure trend, the current stationery obsession is another parallel to the digital revolution. Technology freaks like paper too! Moleskine has been slowly building its empire with expensive beautiful, no-frills products. Here are some of my favourites:

Clip-on pens and pencils
Moleskine Pencils, Roller Pens, Slip-on grips

Bigger A4 hardback notebooks and sketchbooks

iPad cases. These are great as you can position your notepad on the left or right, depending on whether you’re left or right-handed. I spotted one first in a meeting with the unstoppable Chris Morton from Lyst and have been looking out for them ever since (only compatible with first generation iPads though).

More Moleskine stationery porn here.

My takeaway tips from Liberty’s Best of British Open Call

Liberty Open call

A couple of weekends ago I was invited to be part of Liberty’s excellent initiative, the Best of British Open Call. Sitting alongside associate womenswear buyer Stephanie Jones, I was on hand to give instant feedback to fashion designers who were chasing their dream of being stocked in Liberty. (more…)

Trendwatch – Pop Luxe

Kanye West Alexis Phifer Harpers Bazaar

As much as I adore fashion and popular culture, I have to admit I have no clue about contemporary music. Pardon me but I’m still catching up on all the old 60s soul, 70s disco and 80s punk music I haven’t yet listened to.

So even though I’ve heard of Kanye West I wouldn’t actually recognise his music if I was to ever come across it. All this mattered not one whit when I witnessed his apartment in US Harper’s Bazaar recently. Oh. My. God. The commitment! This gaff is stuffed to the rafters with pop-tastic furniture, fashion and ‘objets’.

A stack of Louis Vuitton luggage may not sound that original to you but this guy has like, a tower of ten multicoloured monogrammed LV cases piled several feet high and the effect is totally museum-worthy. Then there’s the neon-green outsized Marc Newson Dom Perignon bottle grazing next to a Maurice Calka white fibreglass Boomerang desk.

Did I mention the super-sized Takashi Murakami flower-shaped pillows? This is my fantasy apartment and it all looks totally authentic. Even if it’s been interior-decorated you can absolutely believe the ideas have come from West when you see his collection of sci-fi-style sunglasses and OTT-print Bathing Ape sweats. West describes this look as Pop Luxe and I think he’s onto something.

Next in the pipeline is his clothing range, Pastelle – if it’s anything like his apartment I await it with baited breath.
