Vogue’s ageless issue

Vogue July 2015 Stella Tennant cover

The best thing about this month’s Vogue? Well it’s a toss up between Stella Tennant’s cover; her main fashion shoot (in which she’s styled in miltary fatiques and louche satins); and Laura Weir’s 14-page feature on 90s supermodels.

The cover proves that, contrary to yesterday’s ‘Quote of the Day’ post, not all models need a gazillion Insta followers to succeed. (Side note: it’s also making me wonder if I should grow my hair a bit longer and tuftier a la Tennant.) Here’s a peek at the main fashion shoot, shot by Craig McDean and styled by Kate Phelan …

Vogue July 2015 Stella Tennant by Craig McDean
Vogue July 2015 Stella Tennant by Craig McDean
Vogue July 2015 Stella Tennant by Craig McDean
Vogue July 2015 Stella Tennant by Craig McDean

On the down side, the comments on The Fashion Spot are rather telling. Sample quotes: “Looks like a supplement cover, it’s extremely dull. hate what she’s wearing too. Guess this will appeal to older ladies though, looks like their style.” And, “this is like a More or Martha Stewart’s magazine cover. Sooo boring and bland.” Ouch! But I am sensing that younger fashion followers are growing bored of the Cos-slash-Celinification of fashion and want more pizzazz. Which isn’t surprising, since we’ve had nearly ten years of austerity minimalism. Don’t worry kids, I’ve a feeling the pizzazz revival will be along any minute. For now, let us oldies enjoy our relevance…

Words and images: Disneyrollergirl/Navaz Batliwalla