Models From Elsewhere

Models from Elsewhere: Andrea Lindstrom

When I started this project, ‘Models From Elsewhere’, I pictured model apartments decorated with family mementos. Maybe knick-knacks on mantlepieces or photos tacked to a wall. But no, the reality is that models, by their nomadic nature, don’t have lots of possessions, they keep their photos as most Gen Y-ers do – inside their phones and laptops. Instead they have wearable keepsakes; in the case of Andrea Lindstrom from Union Models, jewellery, perfume, and her brothers’ sweatshirts. (more…)

Models From Elsewhere: Marianna

It’s not often you turn up on a shoot to find your model baking a cake, but that’s exactly what happened on our latest Models From Elsewhere shoot. 21-year old Marianna from M&P Models, has been in London for a year, fitting castings and shoots around her architecture studies. Originally from Poznan in Poland, she lives with a flatmate in King’s Cross where she can be found when not studying at Central St Martins nearby. (more…)

Models from elsewhere: Jennifer

Models from Elsewhere is a portrait series about models. New to London or just passing through, these young, independent spirits travel light…

“I was living in a flat sharing with two boys and I was always the messy one – ‘creative messy’! And they were really neat and clean. When they went into my room there was always fabric lying around and papers and sketches on the walls. (more…)

Models from Elsewhere: Chelsea

Straight off the plane from New York, 20 year old model Chelsea from M&P Models was the second in my Models From Elsewhere series. This sunny, Carolina-born dancer hosted us in her tiny King’s Cross flat, did cartwheels on demand and waxed lyrical on her love of dancing, vintage and Asos(more…)