Keep It Chic

The fresh white slice: part 2

Miuccia Prada wearing a white tee

Thank you Preston at Keep It Chic for the shout out regarding last week’s post on white round neck tees.

As Preston has a much bigger audience than me, I went straight to her comments for the feedback. As expected, I picked up some further tips including substituting a white tee for a short strand of pearls (or a silver or gold chain for similar light reflecting properties), the Petit Bateau white tee and the white tee under a V-neck. I used to wear white tees under plain V-necks a lot in the 90s, I must revisit! (more…)

Don’t call it French girl style

Vanessa Seward The Gentlewoman's Guide

Thanks Keep it Chic for the heads-up on Vanessa Seward’s book.

The Gentlewoman’s Guide is Seward’s take on fashion and style from a shy girl’s perspective, which I totally relate to. Born in Argentina, educated In London and living in Paris, the designer and artist tells WWD, “I’m fascinated by all this kind of English, Anglo-Saxon culture, which actually French people sometimes don’t understand at all. It’s just like all the understatement thing or the self-deprecation. I do it all the time, because it’s a kind of twist. It’s also a good shy person’s armor.” (more…)