Luna Luna, a fantastical (but true) story
Are you as blown away as I am by the Luna Luna story?
The forgotten art funfair, initiated in Germany in 1987 by Austrian artist André Heller, then tragically left to languish in storage for 35 years – including surreal and often macabre rides by the likes of Haring, Basquiat, Scharf and a whole list of other 20th century art notables. The story is a movie-worthy tale in itself (the whole shebang recently rescued and revived by… Drake of all people), but the art and the accompanying catalogue are just as mindblowing.
Today’s iteration, Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy has just reopened in Los Angeles showing 16 of the restored carousels, pavilions and Ferris wheels as a look-but-don’t-touch experience. Unfortunately, compared to the Hamburg art-for-everyone original concept, it all comes at quite a hefty price. There are plans for it to tour, but in the meantime, do hunt out the updated catalogue*. It has the best photos of artists at work, rides-in-action and an English translation of Heller’s original interview.
WORDS: Disneyrollergirl / Navaz Batliwalla
IMAGES: Luna Luna by Sabina Sarnitz
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