Oh Chanel, you had me at ‘Hello’

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Chanel always manages to nail the summer make-up palette. Take a look at this collection (on counter today), which screams spectacular sunsets, fruit popsicles, beachy frolics and unsuitable holiday romances.

I’ve been wearing the Pink Tonic nail polish, an exotic pink that’s especially pretty for toes – one to sex up the omnipresent Birkenstocks and Tevas I’d say. Also desirable is the limited edition milky white nail polish called Eastern Light, which is designed to be worn alone or mixed with other shades. Chanel’s hint-of-a-tint sheer lip glosses are always a joy to use – just pulling out the tube works as a mood booster. Example: this sheer orange lip gloss, appropriately called Sunny.

Undoubtedly, the product names are helping get the message across; who can resist get-happy names like Hello  (184), Sexy, Happy and Tutti Frutti? Just add your Orlebar Brown bikini and the obligatory hot dog legs selfie

Chanel-white-opaque-nail polish-eastern-light

Chanel nail polish in Pink Tonic


Chanel nail polish in Eastern light

Chanel lip gloss in Sunny

P.S. I can’t not show you the package that my samples arrived in. Is this not the kitschest clutch/makeup bag/bikini pochette you’ve ever seen? Clear pink plastic with interlocking Cs suspended in fluid. Genius.

Chanel Hello 184 lip gloss