
Buy it now: Goodordering bike bags

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I’m far too much of a scaredy cat to cycle around London (and er, I can’t actually ride a bike), but if I was the cycling type, then Goodordering‘s boxy bike bags would be my accessory of choice. These unisex, retro-looking bags have been designed with function first and are especially aimed at people who need to cart portable offices around day to day. Thus they all have padded laptop compartments or pockets, are made of durable nylon, and are super-spacious and lightweight. The styles on offer include pannier bags, satchels, backpacks and shoppers and all are designed to clip on your bike. (more…)

A different kind of bag for life

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“We were fed up of seeing people carrying their lives in these grubby tatty cotton totes and wanted to offer an alternative,” says designer Rae Jones as I surreptitiously kick my own ‘tatty tote’ under my chair legs away from view. Rae is explaining the concept of the Buckitt bag at a friends and family launch of her Kickstarter campaign. But actually the bags speak very well for themsleves. (more…)