Conor Donlon

The Artist In His Studio

Years and years ago I bought a photo book by Alexander Liberman called The Artist In His Studio (it’s out of print but you can still find it on Amazon and eBay). I was (and still am) a bit obsessed with artists and their paraphernalia.

In this month’s US Vogue, Annie Liebovitz has produced her mini-version, featuring the studios of Jeff Koons, John Currin and Jasper Johns. I loved the accompanying interviews and the close-up of Jasper Johns’ charcoals and pastels. I definitely think she should do a follow up to the Liberman book.

On a side note, another publication that offers regular peeps into artists’ studios, and writers’ abodes, is Apartamento. I’ve just finished reading the last issue which featured the bookseller Conor Donlon and the writer Duncan Fallowell (below) who has every nook of his atelier stuffed with books. I can’t decide if this is heaven or hell…