Pinterest for the UK


Last week saw the launch of Pinterest in the UK. Which you might think weird because, um, haven’t we in the UK all been using it for yonks? Well yes, but it seems the site is keen to have some more localised content too, which is why it has decided to flag up a few Brit bloggers and pinners to encourage some more UK-centric pinning.

Not that my pins are necessarily UK-centric (Ok, they’re categorically not), but there might be an underlying Brit style coming through… maybe. Anyway, if you’re a pinner, you can follow all or some of my Pinterest boards here. I’ve just created a new one called ‘gentlewoman style‘ which is my tribute to sophisticated, cultured women with a bit of a boy-girl twist. It’s basically the more refined, gentlewomanly version of me (hence there’s tons of Hermes, Chanel, Fornasetti, Charlotte Perriand and Andree Putnam on there).


I also have an ‘eBay Finds’ board where I park anything that catches my eye when on an eBay trawl, a ‘skaters’ board (still dying over Michael Jackson on a skateboard) and I just started a thoroughly gratuitous Joe Strummer board, purely for perving purposes. You can now also have private boards for compiling images for design or other creative work that you would rather not share.

My favourite other UK pinners are Susie Erskine and Natalie Hughes, and non-UK pinner is Jamala Johns.  Do follow if you like to organise and share digital inspiration in lovely, orderly folders!

*Tip: don’t sign up with Twitter if your Twitter name is a stupidly shortened name of your blog. I did that and now I’m stuck with ‘Disneyrollrgirl’ in my Pinterest URL *huff*!