Book signing: Meet me at Anthropologie

Anthropologie books

I love a proper bookshop as much as the next person but sometimes – especially during gift season – it’s nice to buy your books in a lifestyle environment. And for that, where better than Anthropologie?

Anthro has a knack of picking the most beautiful art, travel and photography books and placing them just so alongside their gorgeous stationery, accessories and trinket trays homewares. I interviewed its book buyers last year (read the post here) but I was too shy to mention my own book – duh!

Luckily my publishers’ sales team did the needful and I’m happy to say that my book The New Garconne: How to be a Modern Gentlewoman is now being sold amidst all the other Anthropologie gift goodness you could want.

If you’re in Spitalfields this Saturday (5th November), I’ll be hovering over a pile of books in the Anthropologie Brushfield Street store, where I’ll also be editing my pick of lovely garconne-friendly goodies to buy. Come and enjoy a glass of bubbles, and get a book signed or just come for a cosy chat – I’ll be there from 2-4pm and it’s completely free with no booking required.

All the info on my Anthropologie book signing can be found here.


WORDS AND IMAGE: Disneyrollergirl/Navaz Batliwalla
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