Roger K Burton

On Acme BOY and the T-shirt economy

Acme BOY The Birth of Punk and Anti-Fashion 1975-1985 by Phil Strongman Cover

Just finished reading an early copy of Phil Strongman’s Acme BOY: The Birth of Punk & Anti-Fashion 1975-1985*. It’s a riveting read with Strongman’s straight-shooting yet humorous tone giving us plenty of insider intel on the fashion and retail landscape of London’s legendary punk power players – Acme, Boy, SEX et al.

I enjoyed this little lesson on T-shirt economics. A tee is an easy thing to make and sell, is cheap as chips, yet it lends itself to all manner of self-expression. As he says here, if you’ve got the right attitude, a T-shirt can be your entire outfit. Very punk. (more…)

The Horse Hospital, a London style and culture landmark is under threat

Contemporary Wardrobe - fashion archive at The Horse Hospital

“It’s very sad news, I have always thought that The Horse Hospital is perfect for Roger and for The Contemporary Wardrobe Collection, it’s hard to imagine the clothes in any other setting. Contemporary Wardrobe is the real deal, it’s authentic… it has never let me down.” Stylist, fashion director and filmmaker, Joe McKenna

A London cultural landmark is under threat. The Horse Hospital, a historic old stable in a cobbled mews behind Russell Square station is a bit of a gem. It has been for 27 years. It’s a not-for-profit arts venue that holds exhibitions for London’s displaced artists and also houses an incredible costume archive. But maybe not for much longer. (more…)