Peter Pan collars

Shirt Tales

Just a heads up on some shirt news. Grazia alerted me to these natty ASOS collar tips (above) which I’m definitely going to snap up to adorn my Equipment and Matches silk shirts.

And remember the CeCe Toppings Peter Pan collars I gushed about two weeks ago? You can buy them in the UK now. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I hooked up CeCe Toppings with The Style Director (a new site I have been working with) and you can choose between the round and pointed collars in white.

FOUND! The detachable collar that wont swivel!

Thanks to Keep It Chic I have discovered a new fashion term. A ‘topping’ is apparently the name of these switcheroo collars that have a bit of extra fabric to keep them in place. The word ‘topping’ came from CeCe Toppings‘ founder Jamie Turquie; “it’s the top of the shirt. The word ‘dickey* was so unattractive that it automatically put off so many people. Topping sounds so much prettier, don’t you think?” (more…)