Girls on wheels

Girls on wheels: Kayla Buium

Kayla Buium rollerskating

It’s time to bring back the rollerskating content!

Glorious Sport magazine has this great feature on the power of rollerskating, featuring Canadian artist Kayla Buium. The Toronto-based illustrator uses rollerskating in her street art as a form of self-expression and therapy for her anxiety.

“There’s always middle-aged ladies stopping me to say their piece about how they used to roller skate and I see little kids tugging on their parent’s arms and pointing at me. That makes me feel so good. I’m in the middle of the street, wearing my roller skates, doing little tricks, jumping on and off of the kerb and people are looking at me. I’m blasting my headphones. I definitely feel like I’m in a film. It just feels super empowering.” (more…)

Girls On Wheels #9 (plus that time Hugh Hefner turned his tennis court into a roller rink)

I haven’t done one of these for ages and it’s the closest I’ll come to doing anything Tour De France related (hmm tenuous much?), so here goes. See if you can spot Grace Kelly on rollerskates and don’t miss the Playboy vid at the end…

1 a Wheels Of Change By Sue Macy
1 Amelia Earhart on skates (more…)