Iain McKell on youth subcults

Iain McKell Private Reality - Diary of a Teenage Boy

“Small town subcultures are funny, it’s not like bigger cities where you effectively have tribes. In a small town like Weymouth, one guy in the group is a hippy, another is a skinhead, and another a rocker. It’s the backwater, and it’s always been behind the times, but within that you get little nuggets of interesting people.”

Photographer Iain McKell has uncovered a stash of photos of his 70s youth and has started a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund his book, Private Reality, A Diary of a Teenage Boy in 1976.

Some of the images will also be part of an upcoming exhibition at Turner Contemporary in Margate. Read more here.

WORDS: Disneyrollergirl / Navaz Batliwalla
IMAGE: Iain McKell
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