Fashion for Japan: my picks
Everyone wants to do something for Japan and I’m no exception. Fashon brands have committed themselves to raising and donating funds and some of their initiatives are so irrisistible, it makes it very easy for us to help. My picks below…
Olympia le Tan (she of the fabulous and famous book-clutches) has been busy crafting these wee felt pins which will go on sale at Colette. Simple and beautiful. (Please do enjoy the rest of her Tumblr when you click on that link.)
Lavender is well known for its healing and calming properties, it smells heavenly and it appeals to men and women alike. Paris-based perfumer, Technique Indiscrete has created 1000 bottles of a special lavender-based cologne, ‘For them’ as a tribute to the town of Minami Sanriku which was destroyed by the Tsunami. At 35 euros, it’s available here.
One for the boys or girls who like their T-shirts boy-sized. I love me a bit of Stussy and this T-shirt ($36) has been designed in collaboration with Hiroshi Fujiwara and Fragment Design with most of the proceeds going to the Red Cross Japan.
Finally, bloggers are great at rallying each other and doing things fast so all that social networking comes in handy when it comes to organising events. Bloggers For Japan is a sale and silent auction taking place on 26th March in London. Among the goodies that have been donated are an Illamasqua make-up class, Elizabeth Lau dresses, artwork by Little Doodles and signed copies of The Goddess Guide and Green is the New Black. (Mothers Day anyone?) Find out more here.
If you know of any other great efforts to raise money for Japan, please post them in the comments. (But please don’t post any irrelevant spam in the comments as I won’t be able to approve it. Not that you would…)
20 March, 2011 @ 10:30 am
I don’t know if they’re still doing it, but I ordered a couple of things from Forever 21 which I’d had my eye on because they were donating all profits to Japan the other day.
20 March, 2011 @ 6:31 pm
Great efforts, I donate via the British Red cross but the blogging event is a good shout x
21 March, 2011 @ 1:20 am
Such an admirable effort and cause. Truly moved
21 March, 2011 @ 2:10 am
and i bought a bottle of the lavender cologne in a heartbeat. i reblogged it, thanks for the wonderful link. :)