Jean Charles de Castelbajac comes to London
Jean Charles de Castelbajac is coming to town. Who else is loving this crazy-cute graffiti on his still-being-built store front in Conduit Street?
(PS, thanks to my dear D who is looking out for the blog while I am on the other side of the world and took these pics for me!)
28 January, 2008 @ 6:29 pm
I used to wear the eponymous Castelbajac frag, and now it’s quite hard to find. Smelled like an almond dryer sheet and was the antidote to too many aldehydes and body sprays.
Great pics!
28 January, 2008 @ 7:59 pm
Wow… I had no idea… thanks for the info!
29 January, 2008 @ 5:17 am
Really Susie? I was convinced you would have posted about this already so I was tres miffed that it took me 5 days to get these pics loaded onto blogger from my what-feels-like-dial-up connection from my office! I think my exact words to D were, “I’ve got to get this post up before Susie Bubble beats me to it”!