A.P.C X Art Berlin Contemporary tote bag

I only had one free hour in Berlin, so I literally checked out of the Soho House Hotel, stowed my bags with the staff and took a right out of the front door to tour the neighbourhood. Very luckily I wandered into a street where I made three lovely discoveries. The BLESS store, RSVP (a shop that sells single paperclips and posh rotating pencils? Yes please) and – what a stroke of luck – the A.P.C store.

The Art Berlin Contemporary tote bags had just gone on sale. I resisted the urge to buy one in every colour and stopped at the red and the black. (I’m still sorely tempted by the khaki though).  At €15 each, they’re not a bad price for a bag that will get tons of use. They can be bought online here (thanks Emma for the heads-up).