Don’t miss: 89:14 – A Street Style exhibition
Another date for the diary. This is only on for three days and it starts this Friday.
89:14 – A Street Style Journey is a look at the last 25 years of street style trends, featuring exhibits from fashion and music influencers (including a fair few friends of DRG). Also included are some of the images from Nina Manandhar’s brilliant What We Wore book, plus a live street style ‘map’ to which punters are encouraged to add their own ephemera, photos and stories. Until the days of Tommy Ton and The Sartorialist, ‘street style’ actually meant something completely different. Less high fashion peacocking and more youth culture fashion tribes.
The exhibition takes place at the Londonnewcastle project space (28 Redchurch Street, E2 7DP) from 5th-7th December and is a celebration of 25 years of Boxfresh. There’s more info here.
Tory Turk who curated the exhibition has published this great piece for FAD on Fiona Cartledge, one of the exhibition contributors. Cartledge was a huge player in the post-rave London club scene, hosting parties and outfitting clubbers from her legendary shop, Sign Of the Times. Read it here.
WORDS: Navaz Batliwalla/Disneyrollergirl