R.I.P Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser New York Magazine

R.I.P Milton Glaser, the co-founder of New York Magazine and graphic design legend who created the I heart NY logo.

He published a book last December called The Mag Men: Fifty Years of Making Magazines* in which he and his design partner Walter Bernard recount their work for New York magazine as well as Time, Fortune, Paris Match and The Nation. Looks and sounds amazing.

Here’s an interview with them with Mag Culture’s Jeremy Leslie.

On a related note, I’ve not been sure where to post this, so I’ll add it here – a superb three-part IGTV with Candy magazine founder Luis Venegas. Very inspiring for any media students or graduates.

WORDS: Disneyrollergirl/Navaz Batliwalla
IMAGE: New York Magazine cover by Milton Glaser
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