Dick Page

In the bathroom with Dick Page

Dick Page The Coveteur

I’m a sucker for Top Shelf-style beauty features. The Top Shelf interview is still the main reason I visit Into The Gloss; its format of first person narrative with real life-style flash photography launched an entire movement of beauty confessional storytelling. It’s made it completely acceptable to snoop in people’s bathrooms and makeup bags and arguably boosted the beauty industry with its resulting #fomo shopping splurges. (more…)

Quote of the day: Dick Page

dick page and Kate Moss by Bruce Weber

“Anyone who does shows just knows there’s a raft of the cliché questions or directions you’ll get, and a big part of the training is how not to be a bastard about it. But if I had a penny for every time I heard ‘You know—like she did it herself…'”
Lol at make-up artist Dick Page telling it like it is on Into The Gloss

IMAGE: Bruce Weber