Paul Simonon looks hot in hats
The New York Times has a feature on Borsalino hats, specifically the ones sported by Hasidic Jews. As D never tires of telling me, Borsalino is a brand, not a style but, whatever, I’m a fan. My favourite Borsalino wearer is Paul Simonon from the Clash, so this is a fine time to show some gratuitous pictures him looking hot cool in his Borsalino-and-camel-Crombie combo…
[Image credits top to bottom:
Bob Gruen, Epic/Legacy Records, unknown, unknown, Neal Preston/Corbis]
That's Not My Age
3 May, 2011 @ 6:53 pm
Yep, he looks hot in hats. I nearly bought a Borsalino hat in Italy but came over all frugal – again!