From the vaults: Kate Moss by Joey Toller for Rowan Yarns

Is there no end to the ‘rarely seen before’ photos of early Kate Moss? As Vs magazine publishes some 1994 pictures of Kate Moss by Dana Lixenberg, I’m adding a few more to the mix. They are by Joey Toller from the Rowan Yarns magazine in the early 90s. Rowan published fashion-forward knitting patterns which would be photographed by Toller and styled by Karen Harrison in these expensive, thick-papered brochures.

Karen Harrison was one of my favourite stylists in the nineties, very fond of the rustic, slightly-trampy grungy layered look and I think she also used to shoot for German Marie Claire and Marie Claire Bis. Anyway, I always liked this outdoorsy sub-Bruce Weber shoot so have had this magazine for nearly 20 years…