From the vaults: John Galliano contact sheet 1991
Ahhh, it’s amazing the things you unearth when rummaging through old school and college files. This contact sheet is from a 1991 John Galliano PR shoot. My friend had done work experience in the press office and had smuggled this out along with some stickers and labels. I think it was for a diffusion line called Galliano’s Girl. I don’t know who the photographer is but I’d hazard a guess at… Nick Knight? UPDATE: According to my blog buddy Katie Chutzpah, the photographer was Javier Vallhonrat and this was a shoot for the mainline collection…
15 November, 2023 @ 6:51 pm
That’s me!! I remember that shoot well, such fun. Shooting in Johns studio for the Galliano Girl collection. I have that contact sheet framed on my wall.