The Telegraph launches ‘fast beauty’

One of the hot topics of discussion in my Q&A with Vogue’s Robin Derrick last week was that of old school journalism versus new school blogs. Robin observed that with the beauty industry especially, brands and consumers are talking directly to each other via blogs and Twitter, effectively making traditional beauty journalism redundant (you can read all the tweets here – read from the bottom up).

The great thing about Twitter of course is that it gives the maligned beauty journos a forum to answer back. Miffed beauty editor Kate Shapland tweeted Robin Derrick the following: ‘@robinderrick #fashiondigital yr generalisation=lazy! Read @TeleFashion @TelegraphMagazine: grt print & digital writing. 1 cross beauty ed!’ And indeed, The Telegraph is fighting the bloggers with its new Beauty Waitlist ‘insider preview’ where Shapland reviews products the moment they hit her desk.

Back to you Mr Derrick…