How to become a fashion editor part 2
In 2008 I published one of my most popular blog posts ever, How To Become a Fashion Editor. It was a no holds barred guide to making it on the magazine intern circuit, inspired by my years as a magazine fashion editor. To this day, I still get comments on it and only yesterday someone tweeted me to say it was the best advice they had read. As it’s coming up to school-leaving/graduation time, I thought it was a good time to revisit some of the advice.
But wait! You can do better than read a solitary blog post, the Teen Vogue Handbook has just been published! I was very excited to be invited to the launch (yep, I still buy Teen Vogue religiously every month, even though I’m more than double the median reader age. And?). Held at the Marc by Marc Jacobs shop, it was wall-to-wall under-16s with a few grown ups of the Katie Hillier, Venetia Scott, Pixie Geldof variety thrown in. No alcohol but plenty of cupcakes and Percy Pigs.

This really is a very thorough and beautiful handbook for anyone wanting to get on the first rung in fashion. But it’s even a must-buy for those already in the job. After all, lesson number one is: you never stop learning…
7 May, 2010 @ 5:52 am
Thanks for the tip, I'll be going tout to buy the book in the morning :)
7 May, 2010 @ 8:31 am
I love it – it is definitely a must have!
7 May, 2010 @ 9:18 am
This will make a great gift for a little ladies 18th birthday in September. She went to a Uni open day last week as they have to start applying soon and to be honest we are both amazed by how little points you need to get on the fashion related courses and how few Uni's do them. She will (on predicted grades) have about 150 more than is required! amazing isn't it? Apparently it is really hard to get into LCF my uni girl had friends who were straight A students who couldn't get in. All sounds bleak really and then to think you have to intern for nothing after you have graduated!
7 May, 2010 @ 12:34 pm
I WANT this book :-) I tried to get it months go… Now finally it looks like I will be able to :-)
7 May, 2010 @ 12:59 pm
I have that book and it is amazing. Did they do a launch over here as well? I thought it was available over here.
7 May, 2010 @ 6:43 pm
I'm getting the book ASAP!!!
7 May, 2010 @ 9:00 pm
thanks for linking back- i hadn't read it but great advice!
the teen vogue event sounds cool- yay for percy pigs!! xx
8 May, 2010 @ 12:21 am
Indigo, Make Do Style, Little Birds Words, Glowing Doll: Looks like you can get it from WHSmith for £6.49
Looking Fab in your Forties: C would love it. It is a hard industry to break into but I think the book is really inspiring
Ondolady: Yep, they did a launch on Thurs. I guess to publicise it more?
Sarah: Can you believe I have never eaten a Percy Pig before? Shame on me
9 May, 2010 @ 7:25 am
What a great price, I just ordered it from your link, I know I won't be able to keep it till her birthday, I will be too excited and will have to give it to her, she can read it on her holiday in Ayia Napa. Avoid a week in Cyprus at beginning of July whatever you do!
10 May, 2010 @ 12:54 pm
I love that dress Jane Keltner is wearing!
10 May, 2010 @ 7:39 pm
ooh, this looks like essential reading! I love Teen Vogue, wish they had a Brit version.
10 May, 2010 @ 8:43 pm
Thanks for coming to the bash… and isn't the book FAB!!!! xxx
13 May, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
So glad it's finally available in UK!
Will hopefully re-inspire me and give me that kick up the bum I need to keep pursing internships, so many rejections in a row can be hard to take sometimes.